Monday, March 26, 2012

Belated Birthday Gratitude

We have a time of year in our family that is actually more stressful than the holidays.  We call it "Birthday Alley".  Much like "tornado alley" or "hurricane season", we consider the months of March-June a danger zone of birthday chaos!

Birthday Alley rolls around every year on March 10th, when the most amazing, godly husband and father celebrates his birth.  Now, I realize that the date at the top of this post is well past March 10th, but being that Transformers and Pink Cowgirls aren't involved with this family member's sorta fell behind in the blog-posting-priorities.

But before next week, when we are over-run by Transformers and 5 year olds (Betcha can't wait for that post!)'s a happy birthday shout out to the one who makes my time on this earth bearable.  Happy Birthday, Scott!!

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