Friday, May 18, 2012


"She burns like the sun
And I can't look away
And she'll burn our horizons make no mistake"  
-Muse (Sunburn)

I had the night off last night...meaning Scott went out with some friends to see some guy-war-movie, leaving me alone to take a bath, put on the comfy jammies that he hates, and do the two things I rarely have time to do...listen to MY music (I'm sure it's shocking to y'all that Psalty the Singing Songbook does not qualify as "my music") and consider my kids.  Hebrews 10:24 says,"...let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds".  The ratio of spanking to considering is extremely disproportionate at this stage of the game in the Bangert house!  But I digress...

As I was laying there, one of my favorite songs by Muse came that I hadn't heard in a while...and I smiled remembering one of the first "Taryn quirks" that I discovered by means of that song. (There are many of these quirks and all perfectly reflect her indescribable personality.) 

Those of you who know Taryn are fully aware that the child is a screamer!  Well, way back 2 years and 10 months ago I was just beginning to make this realization, and while Brody and I sat trapped in the car with our new little screamer, it became even more evident that no caliber of kids music was going to calm her.  Thus, in an effort to embrace the moment and maintain some sort of sanity, I put on "Sunburn" by Muse and cranked up the volume.  My sweet, sensitive 2 year old sat grimacing in his carseat with his ears covered, but my 2 month old hell raiser was silent for the first time EVER while awake and trapped in her carseat!  

And she stayed silent!! long as THAT song was playing!!  

I experimented with several other Muse songs, Radiohead songs, Killers songs, but she screamed right through them all.  The moment I played "Sunburn" she would instantly go from screaming to silent.  We played that song A LOT!! I was chuckling about that memory, I caught wind of the lyrics in the chorus and I full-on laughed!!  The one song that would appease the unappeasable child was also the one perfect description of her indescribable personality!  She is all the dazzling, illuminating, lively, scorching, intense, destructive power of the sun crammed into a 3 year old pixie!  And whatever horizons that pixie decides to burn are toast!  

My new course of parenting, upon this recent revelation, is to spend all day spanking and all night "considering".  I'll sleep when I'm dead...and, by the grace of God, not from a sunburn!!

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