Sunday, April 6, 2014

Dear Mr. 7

How quickly time flies when it is not your own!  Homeschool and Bible studies and sports games have overwhelmed my already full plate of dinners, dishes, laundry and cleaning. (Keep your sneers to yourself modern woman!)

But I always want to take a moment to recognize and document the reason I happily sacrifice my far-too-quickly-growing babies!  In particular, my extremely handsome 7 year old.

Watch out ladies or those hazel eyes will carry you away!  Not only is he an incredible athlete...we fight over which one of us he takes after...but he is the most excited team-player that cheers louder for his teammates than he does for himself.

He is a very patient and loving big brother to a sister who wants to be with him wherever he goes.  He literally NEVER has a moment's peace!  

Even during the most difficult moments, he is quick to forgive and share whatever he has with her.

He always inspires us with is goofy sense of humor...

 his strength and courage...

his love for God's Word...

and his gratitude and appreciation for the good things God has given him!

Happy Birthday B-man!!  We love you!!

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