Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Spectacle, Part 2

So two days ago I heard the sound I had been dreading all week...the rhythmic beeping of a cement mixer backing up! With a flurry of excitement we rushed out the door and down the street to gawk (yet again) at the all-too-flattered workers. Thankfully Mimi was here this time, otherwise Taryn would've been left amongst the wreckage of train tracks and race cars scattered in the mad dash from the living room to the front door! I'm not sure that there are many people in the world who can attest to the fact that standing and staring at a working cement mixer for more than 30 seconds is by far the most BORING activity one can engage in...but I can! Not even the workers had to endure such mindless torture...the driver was moving the truck so the chute would fill in the right places and the ground crew were diligently packing and smoothing the cement. I would've gnawed my right arm off for a pair of their rubber boots to end my agony! Does Jimmy Choo make rubber boots? Anyway, after about 20 minutes I decided to play the "let me bribe you with food" card and I lured him back home with the promise of the Chic-fil-a playground. Now we wait with baited breath for phase three of the driveway debacle...laying brick pavers!! Stay tuned!!