Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ode to the Home Depot

The bond with Home Depot runs deep within the Davenport blood. However, I gained a whole new respect for the Construction Wonderland after having Brody's birthday party there yesterday.

It first occurred to me last fall, as I was cleaning out closets and packing up unnecessary clutter, that our house would be on the market and thus "off limits" for the type of destruction that a swarm of preschool party-goers would bring. The size of our wallets (or lack thereof) made the majority of party locations "off limits" as well; and, the unpredictability of a Houston spring made the park a risky proposition. I had recalled a party we went to for a little girl down the street at a local craft store...and maybe it was because we stare a the big orange sign from our backyard on a daily basis, or maybe it was that Davenport blood...but somehow I arrived on the male equivalent...The Home Depot!

If y'all haven't tried one of their free kid workshops, YOU HAVE GOT TO GO!! Saturday morning cartoons have nothing on a hammer and nails! They give you a mini-replica of the orange aprons the workers wear, a craft to build, and a personalized certificate of completion. Now imagine a Home Depot workshop full of cupcakes, balloons (that they blow up for you!), and all of your friends building, singing, and watching you open your presents! Brody was in HOG HEAVEN! And so were wanna know why? It was ALL FREE!! Thank you Jesus!!

Psalm 127:2b "For he gives to his beloved even in his sleep."


TDAKAGP said...

Where was this when you & Steph were little? Heck with that, why haven't I had a birthday party at Home Depot?!!

Lindsay said...

Well now you just blew the surprise!!