Sunday, December 4, 2011

Our Divine Photographer

I have been spending the past few months hemming and hawing over what to do for our Christmas picture this year.  Do I shell out the dough to hire a professional or just wait for the true personality of our family to become captured in a random photo?  If you've gotten our last few years worth of cards, you'll know that we never go the "traditional route"...mostly because we have Taryn who lives a very spicy life that shines forth in every picture we've ever taken of her!  

I like to think that our picture this year is a gift from God to two very tired parents.  I really wasn't expecting much as I herded the crew out onto our front porch after we got home from church today and set the 10 sec. timer on our camera.  But the result gives me hope that all the sleepless nights, incomplete tasks, and days of non-stop spankings are actually producing beautiful children with beautiful souls.  (I mean...sheesh...look at how much the kids have aged poor Bing...he's only 6!!)

I just wish I could change the way I'm sitting so my rear doesn't look so big...that sounds easier than laying off the Christmas cookies!!


Tousley's said...

So cute! Taryn's hair is getting so long.

I hear you on the "big rear." I don't like to blame things like that on anything I am or am not doing.

Sommer said...

oh Lupe...this is EXACTLY why I love you so much. Too cheap to do a big photography date, just wanting people to get a glimpse of who your family really can be, not just who they appear to be at first WILD glance, and enough humor to make a joke about your own rearsies when you are looking FABULOUS from head to toe!! Love you Lindsay :)

Mrs Bic said...

I CAN NOT believe you got this shot. It's beautiful. ...and your rear looks great!