Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Kid Talk

If you were a fly on the wall at our house, here is what you would've heard this week...

Brody: What do you want to be when you grow up, Taryn?
Taryn: Huh?
Brody: Do you want to be a mommy?
Taryn: No...I be princess Lea.
Brody: (2 secs of silence) Oh.  But what are you going to BE when you grow up...you can't BE Princess Lea.  You see, Taryn, I'm gonna be a doctor like Daddy.
Taryn: (more silence) Ok.  I be a mommy...like Mommy!

Taryn: (to every single person who has the crazy notion to stop and talk to any one of us) I gon a-bee free and my brudder gonn a-bee five!
Brody:  And I'm gonna have a Transformers birthday party with Superion Snack Mix and Bumblebee Brownies and an Optimus Prime pinata!
Taryn: An I gonn to have a (insert whatever princess she is obsessing on this week) birfday party with a (insert princess) cake...an evey-one gonn to sing "happy birfday to meeee"!!!
(It's not as funny when I type this one, but knowing that their birthdays are still a few months away make hearing this over and over again super awesome!!)